Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Jauhkanlah Kami Dari Yang Jahat

Deliver us from evil

IN November last year, one of the world's leading exorcists quietly slipped into Sydney at the invitation of the Catholic Church.  
"While Twilight and Harry Potter are not in themsevles demonic, they can lead to a fascination in this world," says Bishop Julian Porteious." Picture: Adam Knott Source: The Australian

It was a long journey for Father Jeremy Davies, exorcist for London’s Westminster Archdiocese, but there was important business afoot for the grey-haired 74-year-old. The destination for Davies, co-founder of the International Association of Exorcists in Rome, was Mary MacKillop Place in North Sydney, where the tomb of Australia’s only saint lies. Waiting for him were 27 other priests, including Bishop Julian Porteous, the Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney, second only to Cardinal George Pell in the Sydney Archdiocese.

Dari Harry Potter ke Yesus Kristus: Pelajaran Buat Katolisisme

Penulis: Joe Egerton

Joe Egerton draws on a course he offered at the Mount Street Jesuit Centre to argue that J K Rowling has given Christians a valuable resource to introduce some of the central beliefs of the Catholic faith to a generation that knows the life of Harry Potter far better than it knows the life of Jesus Christ.

The anticipation that preceded the release of the latest Harry Potter film was a reminder that a whole generation in the UK would score higher on questions about J K Rowling’s life of Harry Potter than they would on St Matthew’s life of Jesus Christ.

Bocoran Wikileaks: Vatikan Komit Melaksanan Copenhage Accord Untuk Perubahan Iklim

WikiLeaks cable notes Vatican commitment to accord on climate change
WIKILEAKS-VATICAN Dec-9-2010 (630 words) xxxi

The Vatican was committed to getting countries aligned with the Copenhagen Accord on climate change, according to the first Vatican cable to appear on the WikiLeaks website.

The confidential cable claimed a Vatican official at the Secretariat of State would support U.S. government "efforts to have countries associate themselves with the Copenhagen Accord by the January 31 deadline" as well as "encourage other countries discreetly to associate themselves with the Accord as opportunities arise."

Uskup Yang Tidak Disetujui Paus, Menduduki Jabatan Puncak di China

Unapproved bishop elected to top China job

Published Date: December 9, 2010
By ucanews.com reporter, Hong Kong
Bishop John Fang Xingyao of Linyi, new head of the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association

A bishop who does not have papal approval was today elected president of the Bishops’ Conference of the Catholic Church in China (BCCCC) while a Vatican-approved bishop became head of the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association (CCPA).

The pope’s letter of 2007 indicates that holding the CCPA position was incompatible to Church doctrine.
Bishop Joseph Ma Yinglin of Kunming, 45, who was ordained in 2006 and still has not received papal approval, was elected BCCCC president by 312 votes for and one abstention on the last day of the Eighth National Congress of Catholic Representatives.

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Bocoran Wikileaks: Diplomat AS Terkejut Terpilihnya Benediktus XVI

Pope’s election took US diplomats by surprise

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger prepares for communion at the funeral Mass for Pope John Paul II at the Vatican before the papal conclave (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite/ File) Ref

30 Nov 2010

Pope Benedict’s election to the papacy took American diplomats by surprise, it emerged this week.
They predicted that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger would get a flurry of votes from his fellow cardinals at the beginning of the conclave but that he would be unable to muster the support needed to become Pope.
An April 19 2005 telegram from Rome to Washington signed by Bernt Hardt, says diplomats were “shocked” and “speechless” about the election of Cardinal Ratzinger.

Uskup China Yang Loyal Ke Paus Dipaksa Untuk Menghadiri Pelantikan Uskup Patriotik

Chinese Prelates Forced to Official Church Meeting
Patriotic Association Aims to Elect New Officers
ROME, DEC. 7, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Several Chinese bishops loyal to Rome have reportedly been forcibly taken to Beijing to participate in the assembly of the Patriotic Association.

According to AsiaNews, dozens of bishops were forced to the capital to participate in the assembly, where a national president of the Patriotic Association and a president of the council of Chinese bishops are to be elected.

The Catholic Patriotic Association is the body through which the Chinese government recognizes religious personnel and registers places of worship. Religious practice is only permitted in China with the oversight of the association.

This explains the difference between the "national" or "official" church, and the faithful who oppose such control and who wish to obey the Pope directly. The latter constitute the non-official, or underground, Church.

AsiaNews reported that various underground bishops claimed illness to avoid attending the assembly. Others are in Beijing, but refusing to concelebrate Masses with official bishops. Still others were physically forced to attend.

Bishop Feng Xinmao of Hengshui was taken by police officers despite members of the faithful and priests who tried to shield him, AsiaNews reported. One parishioner was injured in the exchange. Once in custody, the bishop was kept in isolation and taken Monday to Beijing for the meeting.

UCANews estimates that some 40 bishops and about 300 priests, religious and laity are attending the meeting.

Growing colder

Forcing underground bishops to attend the Beijing meeting shows China taking another step to distance itself from the Vatican.

In late November, the nation took a turn against normalized relations by ordaining a bishop without pontifical mandate.

Kaukus Kongres AS Desak Presiden Obama Untuk Mengingat Tuhan

US Lawmakers Urge President to Remember God
Say Obama Misstated National Motto
WASHINGTON, D.C., DEC. 7, 2010 (Zenit.org).- A group of US lawmakers are urging President Barack Obama to remember the nation's religious heritage as expressed in its national motto and foundational documents. 
Congressman Randy Forbes of Virginia, along with 42 bipartisan members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, sent a letter to the president Monday in which they pointed out that he recently misspoke when he said the national motto is “E Pluribus Unum” (out of many, one), and asked him to publish a correction.

Since 1956, the official national motto of the United States has been “In God We Trust.” The motto also appears in the national anthem, and on the nation's currency.

In a speech given Nov. 10 to students in Jakarta, Indonesia, Obama said that the United States and Indonesia share a similar history: "It is a story written into our national mottos. In the United States, our motto is 'E Pluribus Unum.'"
The members of the Congressional Prayer Caucaus said that it was "unacceptable" for the president to misrepresent the national motto: "The president is the primary representative of our nation to the world, and whether mistake or intention, his actions cast aside an integral part of American society.”

“President [Ronald] Reagan once warned that 'If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under,’” the letter added.

The lawmakers also lamented that on various occasions, the president has omitted a reference to the Creator when quoting the Declaration of Independence. Instead of stating that all are "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights," the lawmakers assert that Obama stated that "each of us are endowed with certain inalienable rights."

The letter said that the "omissions and inaccuracies" misrepresent the United States, and undercuts "important parts of our nation’s history.”

“Trust in God is embedded into the fabric of society and history in the United States," the note concluded. "If we allow these threads to be pulled, we will begin to unravel the very freedoms that birthed America.”

The Congressional Prayer Caucus is a bipartisan group of Members of Congress dedicated to preserving America's religious heritage and protecting religious liberties.

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On the Net:

Full text of the letter: http://www.forbes.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=216891

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Amanat Yesus untuk Indonesia

Disampaikan oleh Yesus kepada Vassula di Jakarta tanggal 25 Februari 1995

Amanat Yesus sbb:
Hari ini Aku telah membawa engkau (Vassula) ke sini, ke Indonesia, sebagaimana pula telah Kukumpulkan kalian semua sebagai satu persekutuan. Katakanlah kepada mereka:
Janganlah menganggap bahwa Allah tidak dapat didekati. Allah ada di dekatmu, dan mengasihimu ...Hormatilah nama-Nya.

Kembalilah kepada-Ku dan ubahlah hidupmu, serta hiduplah suci, sebab Kuduslah nama-Ku. Izinkanlah Aku mendandanimu kembali. Untuk ini Aku memerlukan penyerahan menyeluruh dirimu. Satu-satunya perlindunganmu adalah Hati-Ku. Dengarkanlah dan pahamilah: Aku telah bersabda bahwa seluruh daging adalah seperti rumput, dan keindahannya seperti bunga liar di ladang. Namun rumput mengering dan bunga-bunga menjadi layu, sedangkan sabda-Ku tetap abadi, ... dan jiwamu akan tetap hidup.

Biarkan jiwamu dalam keadaan damai dengan Aku pada hari Aku akan menjemputnya, agar engkau mewarisi Kemuliaan-Ku. Janganlah menipu dirimu sendiri sekarang, dan mengatakan: "Jiwa, engkau kini sudah memiliki banyak hal. Ambillah barang-barang yang tersedia. Nikmatilah waktu ini dan berfoya-foyalah dalam kekayaanmu. Nyatalah sudah bahwa warisan itu adalah milikmu." Sadarilah anak-Ku, betapa jiwamu telah kaubiarkan tumbuh liar.

Sadarilah anak-Ku, betapa pedihnya Aku melihat engkau gersang. Aku selalu mengasihimu dengan kasih abadi. Kurangilah kepedihan-Ku. Hapuskanlah kepedihan-Ku dan kembalilah kepada-Ku, yaitu Bapamu, Penciptamu, Penyelamatmu dan Hidupmu. Berdoalah dari dalam hatimu, dan Aku akan mendengarmu. Pengampunan akan diberikan kepadamu bila engkau memintanya!

Indonesia, arahkan langkahmu kepada langkah-Ku, sebab Hari-Ku dekat, dan sewaktu Aku datang, Aku akan datang dengan Api. Maka, izinkanlah Aku untuk menemukan engkau layak bagi Kerajaan-Ku ...Mintalah Berkat-Ku dan Aku akan memberikannya kepadamu. Ayah mana yang akan menolak kesejahteraan anaknya?

Maka, betapa terlebih-lebihnya Aku, Sumber Kasih, akan memberikannya kepada siapapun yang memintanya! Aku berada di dekat kalian hai putri dan putra, dan Aku memberkati kalian, dan menawarkan Damai-Ku kepadamu. Datanglah dan akukanlah dosa-dosamu ke hadapan-Ku, dan Aku akan menanggapi jeritan pertobatanmu.

Vassula, Aku adalah Yahweh, Bapamu yang Terkasih dan Bapa segenap manusia. Pujilah Aku dan ikutilah Aku tanpa menunda. Bangunlah sekarang dan berdoalah Bapa Kami sebagaimana Aku menghormati engkau dengan mengajarkannya kepadamu. Aku mengasihi engkau dengan lemah lembut!


 ♥ *HATIMU MUNGKIN HANCUR, NAMUN BEGITU JUGA HATIKU* sumber: https://ww3.tlig.org/en/messages/1202/ *Amanat Yesus 12 April 2020* Tuhan! Ini ...