Senin, 20 April 2009

Amanat Hidup Sejati Dalam Allah: Dari Timur akan Muncul Tunas Persatuan Gereja

Buku Catatan No: 78

Amanat disampaikan Yesus kepada Vassula Ryden tanggal 28.4.95

Vassula, Teman-Ku, biarkan Aku bernyanyi bagimu, madah yang ada di dalam Hati-Ku! Tulislah: Oh, umat­Ku, teman-teman-Ku, saudara-Ku, Tuhan kalian akan datang dan beristi­rahat di dalam hati kalian. Kalian akan diperbaharui di hadapan Keha­diran-Ku sebab Aku bertekad untuk mengelilingi kalian dengan semua lagu pembebasan. Aku bertekad untuk menghimpun semua bangsa di bumi dan memberi pengajaran kepada mereka.

Madah Baru-Ku ditulis begitu rupa sehingga akan menghormati Nama­Ku. Belumkah kalian mendengar bahwa niat-Ku adalah: Keselamatan bagi umat manusia? Rencana-Ku tetap baik untuk selama-Iamanya dan niat Hati-Ku tetap dari zaman ke zaman.

Dengarkanlah, hai Rumah dari Timur! Jangan tetap tuli terhadap seruan-se­ruan-Ku! Engkau menantikan Kekua­saan-Ku, Rumah dari Timur yang terkasih, untuk turun dari surga ter­tinggi untuk menyelamatkan engkau, dan sekarang Aku berkata kepadamu: hari demi hari engkau akan tumbuh, sebab, coba lihat, dari tanahmu akan tumbuh suatu Tunas harapan, tunas kebenaran dan kedamaian sempurna, dan penghuni Rumah ini akan menye­barkan kedamaian ke mana-mana.

Putri dari Rumah Timur, maklum­kanlah ini dengan seruan sukacita.

Pergilah, dan maklumkanlah Sabda­-sabda-Ku. Katakanlah:

"Tuhan sedang datang dari kediaman-Nya yang kudus untuk menghibur umat-Nya dan mengkonsolidasikan Gereja-Nya".

Pada hari ini, Mata-Ku tertuju pada seseorang yang beritikad baik dan mahkota itu akan diberikan ke­padanya. Dialah, yang akan bertunas dari Pinggir Sungai di Timur, yang akan memuliakan Aku.… Dan para malaikat-Ku akan turun dengan per­lengkapan kerajaan di tangan mereka, dan akan menghiasi dia bagi takhta itu sebagai penguasa.

Ah, Vassula! Menarilah dan berteriak­lah kegirangan sebab hari ini begitu dekat. Aku sudah mengambil langkah di sini dan kini siap membawa hari perayaan[1] ini kepada kalian, agar segala ketidakberuntungan di masa lalu akan digantikan oleh sukacita. Hai, Rumah Tradisi, belumkah engkau men­dengar! Belumkah engkau mengerti bahwa dari Rumahmu Aku akan dimu­liakan tiga kali? Belumkah engkau mendengar bahwa Aku telah men­ganugerahi Tunasmu dengan berkat surgawi? Seperti engkau dulu pernah merupakan kutukan di antara banyak bangsa, begitu pula Aku bermaksud mengangkat engkau menjadi pengoles, penyembuh bagi Rumah-Ku di sebelah Barat dan menjadi berkat bagi bangsa-­bangsa.

Hai, Rumah dari Timur! Tunas yang gemilang sedang tumbuh kembang un­tuk mengangkat Rumah-Ku menjadi satu. Bibir-Ku gemetar dengan emosi dan Hati-Ku menyanyi bagi yang diu­rapi....Dan lembah kesuraman akan mengaum dengan kemarahan men­dengar bunyi langkah kakinya, sebab Rumah-Ku akan satu. Rumah di sebelah Barat dan Timur akan hidup sebagai satu sebab Nama-Ku akan menjadi ikatan mereka, menyelimuti mereka dalam kedamaian sempurna, integritas dan kasih. Nama Baru­Ku akan menjadi tanda kerajaan di antara kedua Rumah ini. Hal ini akan terjadi segera dan dalam waktumu..

Maka, janganlah berkata, "Sekali lagi Tuhan menentukan Waktu-Nya Sendiri". Aku telah berkata kepada kalian, demi kasih-Ku kepada kalian, bahwa Aku telah memutuskan untuk mempercepat Rencana-Ku. Aku bermaksud menginjak Musuh-Ku[2] bersama Pasukan-Ku dan menginjak kedua Binatang[3] lebih cepat dari yang direncanakan!

Mari dan belajarlah: para pemimpin kehancuran tidak lain daripada tiga roh iblis[4] yang membentuk segitiga. Masing-masing menempati satu sudut, yang akan memimpin seluruh dunia ke dalam dunia licik mereka. Mabuk dengan darah para kudus dan semua yang telah menjadi saksi Keilahian­Ku, tidakkah engkau melihatnya?

Untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan kehancuran mereka dan memahko­tainya dengan sukses, mereka harus menghilangkan Kursi Petrus dan dia yang mendudukinya. Tujuan mereka adalah untuk menghancurkan Gereja­Ku......Tetapi, jangan takut, Aku telah berjanji bahwa pintu dunia gelap tidak mampu bertahan terhadapnya[5]. Ya, ini yang sedang terjadi sekarang. Para pemimpin kehancuran, yang berkilauan dalam gelar akademis adalah licik, dan bau busuk mereka kini telah menutupi seluruh dunia.

Merekalah yang disebut dalam Kitab Suci sebagai yang mampu melakukan keajaiban[6], menggoda, dengan ke­mampuan mereka, kesepuluh menara dunia dan dari situ semua bangsa di bumi ini. Semua terpukau oleh mantra mereka ... Begitu pasukan mereka lengkap, mereka akan mengangkat tanda perlengkapan mereka[7], dan bersama dengan kekuatan ketiga roh licik tadi mereka akan bergabung untuk berperang melawan Kurban Kekal-Ku. Inilah yang disebut di dalam Kitab Suci sebagai: 'Perang Hari Besar Allah Mahakuasa[8] ... '

Pada kenyataannya, saat kejahatan dahsyat dan kemelut besar ini sudah datang pada kalian, tetapi Aku akan mengalahkan mereka, sebab Aku adalah Tuhan segala tuhan dan Raja segala raja. Dan Surga bersama semua para kudus, murid dan nabi akan merayakan keruntuhan mereka[9]. Aku akan tampil di atas kuda putih, sebagai ksatria keadilan[10] dan memberi peng­hakiman bagi seluruh para kudus-Ku, murid-murid dan nabi-nabi,[11] melawan naga, si binatang, nabi palsu alias binatang kedua dan ketiga roh licik.

Dan dengan pedang-Ku, Aku akan memukul mereka satu persatu[12] dan menara-menara yang mereka bangun akan roboh, yaitu semua pengikut kedua binatang di bawah nama Cerdik Pandai! Bagaikan duri yang dipotong mereka kini telah memasuki Tubuh­Ku. Tetapi Aku akan membasmi mereka satu-persatu[13] dan membakar mereka di dalam api[14] , dan Nafas-Ku akan melahap sisa mereka seperti api....

Karena tidak ada yang tersembunyi dari Pandangan-Ku, Aku berkata ke­padamu bahwa di negeri mana pun si binatang dan sejenisnya telah menem­patkan seorang penguasa, yaitu salah satu dari golongan mereka, yang telah mengukuhkan kewibawaan mereka, bahkan terhadap setiap lembar rum­put.

Aku bersama engkau untuk mengajar engkau bagaimana memahami ini. Tulislah: Si binatang kedua, hamba dari yang pertama, bahkan sudah menunjukkan kekuasaannya yang kuat dengan terus menyeret bintang­-bintang[15] dari langit dan menjatuhkan mereka ke bumi seperti ranting. Dengarkanlah dan pahamilah: kekuatan­nya[16] akan menjangkau jauh hingga ke pasukan surgawi, dan akan melempar pasukan-pasukan serta bintang-bin­tang ke tanah dan menginjak-injaknya dengan kaki. Ia bahkan akan menant­ang kekuasaan Pangeran angkatan tersebut, dan akan menghapus Kurban Kekal dan menumbangkan pondasi tempat kekudusan-Nya"[17].

Inilah mereka yang pernah ada seperti itu dan sudah tidak ada lagi. Inilah mereka yang sudah tiada. Para pa­sukan surgawi dan bintang-bintang pernah menjadi Milik-Ku, tetapi mereka mengambil keputusan untuk berpisah dari-Ku dan menjadi mitra si binatang. "Mereka semua memiliki satu pemikiran dengan menempatkan kekuatan dan kekuasaan mereka untuk digunakan si binatang[18] ". Mereka menjual Diri-Ku setiap hari dan meng­hujat Aku di dalam Kurban Kekal, di dalam Sakramen Kudus Kasih Ilahi-Ku. Lihatkah engkau? Lihatkah engkau betapa besar kekacauan yang akan datang'! Maka, biarlah sekarang suaramu berkumandang di seluruh bumi dan biarkan Amanat-Ku sampai ke ujung dunia.

Terimalah Damai-Ku untuk bekerja dalam damai. Pujilah Aku sebab Aku memberi kehidupan barn kepada jiwamu .....

Kemuliaan kepada Allah. Aku berterima kasih kepada-Mu. dengan sepenuh hati aku berterima kasih kepada-Mu. Aku telah dihidupkan kembali dan Engkau te/ah memberi aku hati dari daging. Dagingku telah tumbuh kembali. Dengan memilih aku, Engkau telah men­gangkat aku untuk menikmati perkenan­Mu, dengan mengizinkan aku tinggal di Rumah-Mu selama seluruh hidupku.

Diberkatilah Allah yang mengizinkan aku setiap jam menikmati kemanisan­Nya, Kembutan-Nya dan rahmat-rah­mat-Nya. Sabda Allah adalah Kehidu­pan. Ajarlah lidahku untuk mengu­mandangkan kebaikan-Mu dan memuji Nama Kudus-Mu untuk selama-lamanya. Amin.

Mari, Aku memberkati engkau. Aku akan terus memberi engkau makanan bergizi dan Aku akan merawat eng­kau.


[1] Maksud Yesus adalah: Persatuan

[2] Setan

[3] Why.I3:J-18.

[4] Why: 16: 13-14.

[5] Mat. 16: 18.

[6] Tim. 2: 9.

[7] Sekaligus aku juga mendengar kata: 'bendera'.

[8] Why. 16: 14.

[9] Why. 18: 20

[10] Why. 19: 11

[11] Why. 18: 20

[12] Setan.

[13] Roh-roh iblis.

[14] Roh-rohjahat (Why: 16: 13).

[15] Jiwa-jiwa yang penuh keutamaan

[16] Kekuatan si binatang.

[17] Dan. 8: 10-11.

[18] Why. 17: 13.

Sabtu, 18 April 2009

Amanat Hidup Sejati Dalam Allah: Dari Gereja Timur akan Muncul Tunas Persatuan Gereja

Listen House Of The East... From Your Land Will Sprout A Shoot Of Hope

April 28, 1995

Vassula, let Me sing to you, My friend, the canticle I have in My Heart! write:

O My people, My friends, My kin, your Lord will come and rest in your heart; you will be renewed in My Presence for I am determined to surround you all with songs of deliverance; I am determined to assemble all the peoples of the earth and instruct them; My New Song is written so as to honour My Name;

have you not heard that My intentions are: Salvation for mankind? My Plan holds good for ever and the intentions of My Heart from age to age;

listen House of the East! do not stay deaf to My cries! you waited for My Sovereignty, beloved House of the East to descend from the highest heaven to rescue you and now I tell you: morning by morning you will grow on your throne, for, see, from your land will sprout a Shoot of hope, a Shoot of righteousness and of perfect peace and the inhabitants of this House will spread peace everywhere .... daughter of My Eastern House, declare this with cries of joy, go and proclaim My Words, say,

"the Lord is coming from His holy dwelling,
to console His people and consolidate His Church;"

today My Eyes are on a man of good omen and the crown will be given to him; it is he who sprouts from the Eastern Bank who will glorify Me .... and My angels will descend with the royal insignia in their hands and dress him for the throne as a ruler;

ah Vassula! dance and shout with joy for this day is ever so near; I am already taking action here and now to bring this day of festival1 upon you so that all the past misfortunes will be replaced by joy;

House of Tradition have you not heard? have you not yet understood that from your House I will be thrice glorified? have you not heard that I bestowed heaven's blessings on your Shoot? just as once you were a curse among many nations, so I mean to raise you to become a healing balm for My House in the West and a blessing for the nations; House of the East! a victorious Shoot is sprouting to raise My House into one;

My lips quiver with emotion and My Heart sings for the anointed one .... and the abyss roars with rage at the sound of his footsteps, because My House will be one; the Western House and the Eastern House will live as one because My Name will be their bond, clothing them in perfect peace, integrity and love; My New Name will be the royal insignia between these two Houses .... this will happen soon and in your time, so do not say, "the Lord takes His time again";

I have said to you that I decided, out of My Love I have for you, to hurry up with My Plan; I intend to trample together with My Army, on My Enemy2 and on the two Beasts3 quicker than foreseen!

come and learn: the leaders of destruction are in fact three demon spirits4 forming a triangle, taking a corner each, who lead the entire world into their foul world; drunk with the blood of the saints and all those who witness on My Divinity; don't you see? to complete their work of destruction and crown it with success they will have to remove Peter's Chair and the one who sits on it; their aim is to destroy My Church .... but, do not be afraid, I had promised that "the gates of the underworld can never hold out against It"; 5

yes, this is what is happening now; the leaders of destruction, glittering in their scholarship's degrees, are foul and their stench has covered the entire world now; they are those of whom Scriptures say: they are able to work miracles, 6 seducing with their ability the ten towers of the world and from them all the nations of the earth; all are falling under their spell .... once their army is complete they will raise their insignia7 and together with the three foul spirits' forces they will come together to make war against My Perpetual Sacrifice, this is what Scriptures call:

"the war of the Great Day of God Almighty ..." 8

in fact this hour of great iniquity and great distress has already come upon you, but I will defeat them, for I am the Lord of lords and the King of kings; and heaven, together with all the saints, apostles and prophets, will celebrate their downfall; 9

I shall appear on a white horse, as a warrior of justice10 and give judgement for all of My saints, apostles and prophets, 11 against the dragon, 12 the Beast, the false prophet alias the second Beast and the three foul spirits, 13 and with My sword I shall strike each one of them14 and the towers they have built will come tumbling down - that is, all the followers of the two Beasts under the name of Scholars! like cut thorns they have now penetrated into My Body, but I will extirpate each one of them and burn them in the fire, 15 and My Breath shall devour the rest of them like fire ....

since nothing can be hidden from My Eyes, I tell you that over each nation the Beast and his like have set a governor, one of their own, who established their authority even over every blade of grass; - I am with you to teach you how to understand; write: already the second Beast, servant to the first, shows his immense power by dragging constantly stars16 from the sky and dropping them to the earth like figs; listen and understand: his17 power will reach "right up to the armies of heaven and will fling armies and stars to the ground, and trample them underfoot; he will even challenge the power of that army's Prince; and will abolish the Perpetual Sacrifice and overthrow the foundation of His sanctuary;" 18

these are the ones who once were and are no more; these are the ones that ceased to be, the armies of heaven and the stars were once My Own but decided to part from Me and become associates with the beast; "they are all of one mind in putting their strength and their powers at the beast's disposal"; 19 they are selling Me every day and are profaning Me in My Perpetual Sacrifice, in the Blessed Sacrament of My Divine Love; see? see what great disorder is coming?

so now let your voice go out through all the earth and My Message to the ends of the world; have My Peace to work with peace; praise Me for giving a new life to your soul ....

Glory be to God;
I thank You,
with all my heart, I thank You.
I have been revived
and You have given me a heart of flesh,
my flesh has bloomed once more;

By choosing me,
You raised me to enjoy Your favour,
allowing me to live in Your House
all the days of my life.

Blessed be God
who allows me to enjoy every hour
His sweetness, His tenderness and His graces.
The Word of God is Life.
Teach my tongue to proclaim Your goodness
and praise Your Holy Name, for ever and ever.

come, I bless you; I will keep nourishing you and I will look after you;

1 Jesus means Unity.
2 Satan.
7 I also heard at the same time the word 'banner'.
12 Satan.
13 Demon spirits. (Rv. 16:13.)
16 Virtuous souls.
17 The power of the beast.
19 Rv. 17:13


Senin, 06 April 2009

Yohanes Paulus II: Pembela Kristus Yang Pemberani

John Paul II Hailed as "Daring" Defender of Christ

Mass Marks Pope's 4th Anniversary of Death

VATICAN CITY, APRIL 2, 2009 ( Benedict XVI called Pope John Paul II a "bold and daring" defender of Christ who never hesitated to spend all his energy to spread the word of God.

The Pope said this today in his homily at a Mass with the youth of the Diocese of Rome to mark the fourth anniversary of Pope John Paul II's death. Held at St. Peter's Basilica, the liturgy formed be part of the World Youth Day celebrations, which this year are being observed on a diocesan level on Palm Sunday.

The Pope affirmed that throughout John Paul II's life, he "showed himself a bold and daring defender of Christ": "He did not hesitate to consume all his energies in order to spread the light everywhere.

"He did not accept to give in to compromises when it was a question of proclaiming and defending [Christ's] truth; he never tired of spreading [Christ's] love.

"From the beginning of his pontificate until April 2, 2005, he was not afraid to proclaim to all and always that Jesus alone is the Savior and the true Liberator of man and of all men."

"John Paul II was able to communicate a great amount of hope, founded on faith in Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday and today and for ever," continued Benedict XVI.

God alone

"Dear young people," the Pope said, "we cannot live without hope. Experience shows that every thing, and our own life, runs the risk, can collapse for any reason internal or external to us, at any moment.

"It is normal: Everything that is human, hence hope, has no foundation in itself, but needs a 'rock' on which to anchor itself.

"This is why Paul wrote that Christians are called to base human hope on the 'living God.' He alone is sure and trustworthy."

The Holy Father added that only God "can be our firm hope. In him, our hope, we have in fact been saved."

"Pay attention," the Pontiff warned: "In times such as these, given the cultural and social context in which we live, the risk can be stronger of reducing Christian hope to an ideology, to a group slogan, to an exterior coating.

"There is nothing more contrary to Jesus' message! He does not want his disciples to 'recite' a part of his teaching, perhaps that of hope. He wants them to 'be' hope, and they can be so only if they remain united to him!"

Benedict XVI said that each Christian should be "a small source of hope for your neighbor, and to be, all together, an oasis of hope for the society in which you are inserted."

He said this means that one must be close to Christ through prayer and the sacraments: "If Christ's words remain in us, we will be able to carry high the flame of that love that he has enkindled in the earth; we can carry high the flame of faith and hope, with which we advance toward him, while we await his glorious return at the end of time."

"Respond generously to Christ's call," the Holy Father added. "In particular, during the Priestly Year that will begin next June 19, make yourselves readily available if Jesus calls you to follow him on the path of priesthood and of consecrated life."

Paus Benediktus XVI, Afrika dan Masalah AIDS

The Pope, Africa and AIDs

Interview With Vatican Spokesman Father Lombardi

By Edward Pentin

ROME, APRIL 2, 2009 ( In a lengthy interview with Rome Notes, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi has reflected on Benedict XVI's recent visit to Cameroon and Angola, and explained his own approach to dealing with the world's media in light of recent controversies.

Speaking last Saturday in his office at Vatican Radio, he said the main highlight of the Pope's most recent visit was the presentation of the "instrumentum laboris" to Africa's bishops -- a working document on the Synod for Africa scheduled for October. The synod's theme: "The Church in Africa in Service to Reconciliation, Justice and Peace" formed the basis of his visit.

But he also referred to other key moments, such as the Holy Father's meetings and discourses with the sick and suffering, women, young people, and other religious and political leaders. "The most important messages were well received and understood," Father Lombardi observed, and the "response of the people was impressive -- hundreds of thousands came out to see him." The papal spokesman said what was most striking to many present was the Holy Father's own visible interest in the continent.

"I was speaking with someone only the other day about President Sarkozy who spent three days in three different African countries but the Pope spent one full week in just two countries," Father Lombardi said. "It's unusual for Africans to have someone important staying so long, communicating directly with the people and going out onto the streets of the cities. It really was a demonstration of participation, and they understood this very well."

As always, Father Lombardi said, Benedict XVI tried to direct the faithful not toward himself but toward Jesus Christ through his discourses and his "profound" liturgical preparation and participation. He noted in particular how the Pope again appealed to faith and reason, especially in his message to Muslim religious leaders, and how the Holy Father stressed the "socio-political aspects of Christian witness."

He said the Pope was deeply upset about the deaths of two teenage girls who died in a stampede while trying to see him in Luanda, and sent a delegation to offer his condolences to the families of the deceased. The party included the Holy Father's secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the sostituto, Archbishop Fernando Filoni, the apostolic nuncio to Angola, the bishop of Luanda, and the bishop responsible for organizing the event. When they arrived, the identity of one of the girls was unknown, but she has now been identified.

The deaths occurred because of the venue of the youth gathering, Father Lombardi said, which was a stadium rather than a field where the open-air Masses were held. For security reasons, large crowds had to enter through only a few narrow entrances. "It was very sad what happened," said Father Lombardi, "but maybe it's a miracle that in the past 20-30 years there's only been one other incident like this, with John Paul II in Kinshasa in the early '80s."

On a lighter note, he said, the tortoise given to the Holy Father as a gift was "better off" remaining in Africa (it was later handed over to the nunciature). Had Father Lombardi perhaps thought of adopting it as a pet for himself? "I am not able to care for animals," he laughed.

Condom controversy

Father Lombardi, in good spirits throughout the interview, also spoke frankly about the controversy in the Western media over the Pope's comments on AIDS and condoms.

Benedict XVI had told journalists on the plane to Cameroon that the problem of AIDS "cannot be overcome by the distribution of prophylactics: on the contrary, they increase it." The Pope was simply re-iterating the Church's teaching, but the debate over his remarks still continues.

"It's very clear," the papal spokesman said, "that those who want to understand the meaning will, and if they don't, then they will never understand." He added that the Pope "wasn't particularly disturbed" by the outcry, and he alluded to other times the largely Western media has latched onto an aspect of Church teaching and misrepresented it.

"You have to reflect and judge it with a long-term perspective," Father Lombardi said. "For a couple of days, people are against what he has said, but afterward they can reflect a little and see the truth of the Pope's words and what his intention was." He referred to how the Holy Father's comments at the University of Regensburg in 2006 later led to a better understanding between Muslims and Catholics.

However, what upset many was that someone modified the transcript of the Pope's words so the sentence read condoms "risk increasing" the problem of AIDS rather than simply "increase it." Father Lombardi was not responsible for the change but it originated in the Secretariat of State.

A well-intentioned official there was trying to put the Pope's words into better Italian -- something that is often done to the Pope's extemporaneous remarks. However, the official appears to have genuinely made the mistake of changing the meaning of the Pope's words in the process. Father Lombardi said he was aware of the irritation that caused (it happened once before, on the Pope's 2007 trip to Brazil). That part of the text has since been changed back again to the Pope's original words.

So will the Pope continue to speak freely to journalists on the papal plane when he travels to the Holy Land next month? "We will see, I think yes," said Father Lombardi. That visit will be especially delicate, but the papal spokesman appears resolute not to tone down or spin the Pope's words in any way. "In every situation you can have misinterpretations or problems. If you fear this, you'd have to stay in Rome and say nothing," he said.

In spite of this mistake and various media brouhahas over recent years, commentators say that the Pope's message continues to resonate with vast numbers of people. Father Lombardi agreed: "Misinterpretation of the media is not the entire world," he said. "One is able to think with one's own mind and understand. [Many people] appreciate the Pope's teaching and understand he is saying things that are important for today's world."

But I ask him whether today's 24-hour news cycle and the Internet require a more careful approach. "This is naturally a risk and part of the situation -- that is clear," said Father Lombardi. "But I think you also have to be confident that what you are doing is right, that what you are doing is being done with good intentions, otherwise you will be blocked by the other person."

Father Lombardi continued: "Whoever has a bad view of the Pope and the Church has already decided we shouldn't think, that we should be absent and disappear from the world. But no -- we go on. The Pope has a very clear message of spirituality, of peace and reconciliation, which he tries to convey even if it is difficult."

Father Lombardi disagrees with critics who say he is too overloaded with work (he is head of Vatican Radio and Vatican Television as well as director of the Vatican Press Office). "This is up to my superior to judge," he said. "They have given me these jobs, I didn't look for them, so whoever has given me this work can also tell me, 'Thank you, I'm going to give it to another.'" He stressed that his other position that is sometimes cited -- assistant to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus -- is not labor intensive.

"I have done this [work as Vatican Press Office director] with good will and I will do it until they say otherwise," Father Lombardi said cheerfully, adding that he was aware of the rumor being spread that he might be wearing too many hats. "I don't know if someone has started this [rumor] to produce some effect," he said with a laugh. "That is possible, but for me having this work is no particular problem."

* * *

Edward Pentin is a freelance writer living in Rome. He can be reached at:

Konferensi Uskup AS: Terapi Reiki Tidak Kristiani

US Bishops Declare Reiki Therapy Unchristian

Denounce Its Use in Catholic Institutions

WASHINGTON, D.C., APRIL 1, 2009 ( Reiki, a Japanese alternative medicine, lacks scientific credibility and is outside Christian faith, making it unacceptable for Catholic health care institutions, the U.S. bishops' conference stated.

On Saturday, the conference issued the "Guidelines for Evaluating Reiki as an Alternative Therapy," developed by their committee on doctrine, headed by Bishop William Lori of Bridgeport, Connecticut, and approved by the administrative committee Friday.

The document notes that "the Church recognizes two kinds of healing: healing by divine grace and healing that utilizes the powers of nature," which "are not mutually exclusive."

Reiki, however, "finds no support either in the findings of natural science or in Christian belief," it explained.

The guidelines note that this technique of healing "was invented in Japan in the late 1800s by Mikao Usui, who was studying Buddhist texts."

The report continues: "According to Reiki teaching, illness is caused by some kind of disruption or imbalance in one's 'life energy.' A Reiki practitioner effects healing by placing his or her hands in certain positions on the patient's body in order to facilitate the flow of Reiki, the 'universal life energy,' from the Reiki practitioner to the patient."

Spiritual healing

It further explains that the therapy has several aspects of a religion, being "described as a 'spiritual' kind of healing," with its own ethical precepts or "way of life."

Reiki "has not been accepted by the scientific and medical communities as an effective therapy," noted the guidelines. "Reputable scientific studies attesting to the efficacy of Reiki are lacking, as is a plausible scientific explanation as to how it could possibly be efficacious."

Nor can faith be the basis of this therapy, the bishops affirmed, as Reiki is different than the "divine healing known by Christians."

They explained, "The radical difference can be immediately seen in the fact that for the Reiki practitioner the healing power is at human disposal." For Christians, they said, "access to divine healing is by prayer to Christ as Lord and Savior," while Reiki is a technique passed from "master" to pupil, a method that will "reliably produce the anticipated results."

Insoluble problems

The guidelines state: "For a Catholic to believe in Reiki therapy presents insoluble problems. In terms of caring for one's physical health or the physical health of others, to employ a technique that has no scientific support -- or even plausibility -- is generally not prudent."

On a spiritual level, the document states, "there are important dangers." It explains: "To use Reiki one would have to accept at least in an implicit way central elements of the worldview that undergirds Reiki theory, elements that belong neither to Christian faith nor to natural science.

"Without justification either from Christian faith or natural science, however, a Catholic who puts his or her trust in Reiki would be operating in the realm of superstition, the no-man's-land that is neither faith nor science.

"Superstition corrupts one's worship of God by turning one's religious feeling and practice in a false direction. While sometimes people fall into superstition through ignorance, it is the responsibility of all who teach in the name of the Church to eliminate such ignorance as much as possible."

The document concludes, "Since Reiki therapy is not compatible with either Christian teaching or scientific evidence, it would be inappropriate for Catholic institutions, such as Catholic health care facilities and retreat centers, or persons representing the Church, such as Catholic chaplains, to promote or to provide support for Reiki therapy."

Homili Paus Benediktus XVI Pada Minggu Palma

Benedict XVI's Homily for Palm Sunday

"His Will Is the Truth and Is Love"

VATICAN CITY, APRIL 5, 2009 ( Here is a translation of the homily Benedict XVI gave at today's Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter's Square.

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Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Dear Young People!

Jesus went up to Jerusalem for Passover along with a growing crowd of pilgrims. On the last stage of the journey, he had cured the blind Bartimaeus, who had addressed him as Son of David, asking for mercy. Now -- being able to see -- with gratitude he joined the pilgrims. When, at the gates of Jerusalem, Jesus mounts a donkey, the animal symbol of Davidic royalty, joyous certainty erupts among the pilgrims: It is he, the Son of David! Thus they greet Jesus with the messianic acclamation: "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord," and add: "Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come! Hosanna in the highest!" (Mark 11:9). We do not know exactly what the enthusiastic pilgrims imagined the coming kingdom of David to be. But we, have we truly understood the message of the Jesus, Son of David? Have we understood what the kingdom is that he spoke of when he was interrogated by Pilate? Do we understand what it means that this kingdom is not of this world? Or would we like it to be of this world?

St. John, in his Gospel, after the account of the entrance into Jerusalem, reports a series of words of Jesus, in which he explains the essentials of this new type of kingdom. In a first reading of these texts we can distinguish three different images of the kingdom in which the same mystery is always reflected in a different way. John first of all reports that among the pilgrims who "wanted to worship God" during the feast, there were also some Greeks (cf. 12:20). Let us note the fact that the true objective of these pilgrims was to worship God. This corresponds perfectly to what Jesus said on the occasion of the purification of the Temple: "My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations" (Mark 11:17). The true scope of the pilgrimage must be that of encountering God, to worship him, and, in this way, put the fundamental relationship of our life in right order. The Greeks are persons in search of God, they are on a journey toward God with their lives. Now, with the help of two Greek-speaking apostles, Philip and Andrew, they send this request to the Lord: "We want to see Jesus" (John 12:21). This is essential. Dear friends, that is why we are gathered here together: We want to see Jesus. Millions of young people went to Sydney last year for this purpose. Certainly they had many expectations about this pilgrimage. But the main objective was this: We want to see Jesus.

What did Jesus say in regard to this request at that time? From the Gospel it is not clear whether there was a meeting between Jesus and those Greeks. Jesus' gaze reaches far higher: "If the grain of wheat falls to the ground and does not die, it will remain alone; but if it dies, it will bear much fruit" (John 12:24). This means that right now a more or less brief discussion with a few persons, who will then return home, is not important. As a grain of wheat dead and risen in a totally new way, that goes beyond the limits of the moment, he will go out to meet the world and the Greeks. Through the resurrection Jesus passes beyond the limits of space and time. As the Risen One, he is on a journey toward the vastness of the world and history. Indeed, as the Risen One he goes to the Greeks and speaks with them, he manifests himself to them in such a way that they, the ones who are faraway, draw near and, precisely in their language, in their culture, his word will be carried forward in a new way and understood in a new way -- his kingdom comes. We can thus recognize two essential characteristics of this kingdom. The first is that this kingdom passes through the cross. Because Jesus gives himself totally, he can as the Risen One belong to everyone and make himself present to all. In the Holy Eucharist we receive the fruit of the dead grain of wheat, the multiplication of the loaves that continues to the end of the world and in all times.

The second characteristic is that his kingdom is universal. It fulfills the ancient hope of Israel: this reign of David knows no more borders. It extends "from sea to sea" -- as the prophet Zachariah says (9:10) -- that is, it embraces the whole world. This, however, is only possible because it is not a political kingdom, but is based solely on the free adhesion of love -- a love that, for its part, answers to the love of Jesus Christ that has given itself for all. I think that we must always be learning both things -- first the universality, the catholicity. It means that no one can posit himself as absolute, his culture, his time and his world. This means that we all welcome each other, renouncing something of ourselves. Universality includes the mystery of the cross -- the overcoming of ourselves, obedience toward the universal word of Jesus Christ in the universal Church. Universality is always an overcoming of ourselves, a renunciation of something that is ours. Universality and the cross go together. Only in this way can peace be created.

The saying about the dead grain of wheat is part of Jesus' answer to the Greeks, it is his answer. Then, however, he formulates once again the fundamental law of human existence: "He who loves his life will lose it and he who hates his life in this world will save it for eternal life" (John 12:25). He who wants to have his life for himself, live only for himself, squeeze out everything for himself and exploit all the possibilities -- he is the one who lose his life. It becomes boring and empty. Only in abandoning ourselves, only in the disinterested gift of the "I" in favor of the "Thou," only in the "Yes" to the greater life, precisely the life of God, our life too becomes full and more spacious. Thus, this fundamental principle that the Lord establishes is, in the final analysis, simply identical with the principle of love. Love, in fact, means leaving yourself behind, giving yourself, not wanting to hold on to yourself, but becoming free from yourself: not getting preoccupied with yourself -- what will become of me -- but looking ahead, toward the other - toward God and the people whom he sends to me. It is this principle of love that defines man's journey, it is once again identical with the mystery of the cross, with the mystery of death and resurrection that we encounter in Christ.

Dear friends, perhaps it is relatively easy to accept this grand fundamental vision of life. In concrete reality, however, it is not just a simple matter of recognizing a principle, but of living its truth, the truth of the cross and the resurrection. And for this, once again, just one big decision is not enough. It is surely important at some point to dare to make a fundamental decision, to dare the great "Yes" that the Lord asks of us at a certain moment in our life. But the great "Yes" of the decisive moment in our life -- the "Yes" to the truth that the Lord places before us -- must then be daily re-conquered in the everyday situations in which, again and again, we must abandon our "I," make ourselves available, when, at bottom, we just want to hang on to that "I." Sacrifice, renunciation, also belongs to an upright life. He who permits himself a life without this ever renewed gift of self, deceives people. There is no successful life without sacrifice. If I cast a retrospective glance on my own life, I must say that precisely those moments in which I said "Yes" to renunciation were the great and important moments of my life.

Finally, St. John also put Jesus' prayer in the Garden of Olives in a modified form in his composition for "Palm Sunday." There is first of all the statement, "My soul is troubled" (12:27). Here Jesus' fear appears, which is amply illustrated by the other evangelists -- his fear in the face of the power of death, in the face of the entire abyss of evil that he sees and into which he must descend. The Lord suffers our anxieties together with us, he accompanies us in the last anxiety until we come to the light. Then there follow, in John, Jesus' two questions. The first is only expressed conditionally: "What will I say, 'Father, save me from this hour?'" (12:27). As a human being, Jesus also felt driven to ask that he be spared the terror of the passion. We too can pray in this way. We too can lament before the Lord like Job, present all our questions that arise in us in the face of the injustice in the world and the problems affect us personally. Before God we must not take refuge in pious phrases, in a world of make-believe. Praying also means struggling with God, and like Jacob we can say to him: "I will not let you go until you have given me a blessing!" (Genesis 32:37). But then there is Jesus' second request: "Glorify your name!" (John 12:28). The Synoptic Gospels put this request in this way: "Not my will but your will be done!" (Luke 22:42). In the end, God's glory, his lordship, his will is always more important and more true than my thoughts and my will. And this is what is essential in our prayer and in our life: understanding this right order of reality, accepting it interiorly; trusting in God and believing that he is doing the right thing; understanding that his will is the truth and is love; understanding that my life will be a good life if I can learn how to conform to this order. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus are the guarantee that we can truly entrust ourselves to God. It is in this way that his kingdom is realized.

Dear friends, at the end of this liturgy, the young people from Australia will give the World Youth Day Cross to the young people of Spain. The Cross is on its way from one side of the world to the other, from sea to sea. And we accompany it. Let us go forth with it along this road and, in this way, find our road. When we touch the cross, indeed, when we carry it, we touch the mystery of God, the mystery of Jesus Christ. The mystery that God so loved the world -- us -- that he gave his only-begotten Son for us (cf. John 3:16). We touch the marvelous mystery of God's love, the only truth that is really redemptive. But we also touch the fundamental law, the constitutive norm of our life, that is, that without the "Yes" of the cross, without walking in communion with Christ day after day, life can never be a success.

The more that, for the love of the great truth and the great love -- for love of the truth and love of God -- we can make some sacrifice, the greater and richer our life will become. He who wants to keep his life for himself will lose it. He who gives his life away -- daily in small gestures, that are part of the great decision -- will find it. This is the exigent truth, a truth that is also deeply beautiful and liberating, in which we want to enter, step by step, on the cross' journey over the continents. May the Lord bless this journey. Amen.

[Translation by Joseph G. Trabbic]


 ♥ *HATIMU MUNGKIN HANCUR, NAMUN BEGITU JUGA HATIKU* sumber: *Amanat Yesus 12 April 2020* Tuhan! Ini ...